Crip walking in the wrong hood!
What could possibly be more scary than a kryptonian with a power ring? NOTHING. Untill this issue, Ive been unsure of the direction dc has been taking supergirl. For the entire run of the new 52 thus far supergirl has been fighting to find her place on earth. Everywhere she goes she is either not trusted, attacked or just misunderstood. Clearly all of that has been a build up for this issue and the red/green lantern flip book. Kara becoming a red lantern and exploring the universe with Guy Gardner's newly reformed sect of the red lanterns all of the sudden has become such an exciting thought. It will give validity to the fact that Kara has been so up and down this whole run, especially emotionally, shes been full of rage since the start of the run and that's highlighted in this issue. It SUCKS to be Lobo in this issue, kara just whips his butt this entire issue, i really was digging seeing her finally just let loose and show that no one can mess with her when she is mad. Im also really digging the art in this issue. Supergirl seems to be a loved or hated title, and right now im loving it and i can't see what is going to happen. Will Kara join Guy, or Atrocitus?