Welcome to my Dc comics review/spoiler page! If you do not want the stories from the books that i will be reviewing, go back and read them and then come back! If not sit back and enjoy as i go through the Dc universe! Hopefully i can influence a few of you to buy some interesting books, and i hope i can help you save your money if a book blows! (Dc's new 52 is hit or miss!).
My first book will be Green Arrow #1
Writer - J.T Krul
Artist - Dan Jurgens
Inker - George Perez (The LEGEND!)
Oliver Queen...Hero Name...Green Arrow
Writer - J.T Krul
Artist - Dan Jurgens
Inker - George Perez (The LEGEND!)
Oliver Queen...Hero Name...Green Arrow
This comic follows Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow,. if your new to Green Arrow, this story jumps right in. It doesn't go over his origins in book 1. A lot of new comers make that mistake and assume that because it's book 1 that they are getting it from the beginning. More often than not comic writers choose a different method of story telling which can be scattered throughout different books. You have to a be a patient reader!
The issue starts at Queen Industries, which is the business that Ollie's father founded. In the second panel the names "Wayneteck (Bruce Wayne's company" and "Lex Corp (Lex Luthors company) i was excited to see their names, it led me to believe that we will be getting to see some Batman or Lex appearances in the future, or at least some gadgets. Inside a meeting, Emerson (The man Ollie's father left the company to after his death) and the head of the company are holding a meeting about what seems to be about Q Core (Ollies division at Queen Industries) not doing so well. As usual Ollie is out on Arrow duties. While Emerson is bad mouthing Oliver, it turns out Ollie is listening in the entire time.
The first 2 page layout following was very well drawn and inked! Thanks to the legend George Perez lending his gifted pencil skills for this first issue. The pic depicted Ollie standing on a ledge over looking some villains outside a club in a fancy sports car like some celebrities, Ollie says,
"villains should be in constant fear of imprisonment. But instead of ostracizing them like vermin, our society glorifies them".
Ollie has a girl named Naomi who is his tech nerd and genius behind the scenes and in his ear providing him with in-tell, surveillance and locating his targets. Arrow has no superpowers so Naomi is vital for his success and survival. Ollie is tracking villains Brute Dynamix, Doppelganger and Super Charger who all are on a boat which is in the back of the club. Arrow drops in through a window on the roof and the fight begins! Ollie being the arrogant hero as he is, taunts Super Charger for posting videos on youtube for attention. He shoots Brute with a trick arrow which knocks him off his feet then shoots Charger next and Charger panics. At this point passengers are jumping ship to escape the madness! Now Arrow shoots some kind of trick arrow that allows Naomi to take control of the boat remotely from her location. Then Arrows goes back and hits Doppelgangers with some kind of gadget that looks like a metal circle that has arms that come out of it that wrap around Doppelganger preventing her from using her duplicating power.
Arrow then takes out Brute with his marital arts skills and ends up kicking him off of the boat, mocking them saying, "Your not villains, your not even bada##es, your punks". To make it worse he says,
"why don't you all sign up for a reality show, it would be an easier way to get attention you wannabees crave"
Arrow shoots an arrow through Chargers hand and takes him out with a left punch from hell! Fight over, Arrow wins! I was hoping for a more exciting fight though, it seemed very quick. I would have like to see Arrow do a few more cool kicks and somersaults.
Arrow disappears from the company for 2 days, and it seems like he really hates being there. There is definitely lots of tension between him and Emerson. The 3 bad guys he fought on the boat got their powers artificially, scientists in France are trying to figure out what drug they took make them that way. We cant just have any random Joe schmoe running around with powers! The issue comes to a close with him taking to his buddy Jax who makes his weapons, although he is reluctant to do so. He is in the fence about being apart of Ollies night life. Although its his choice, he knows what Green Arrow is all about. On the past page they show the 3 bad guys from earlier being broken out of prison by some super bad guy crew.
I'm not sure how i really feel about this book so far. The Green Arrow along with the Flash are the heroes that i fell in love with early. They are the ones i looked up to and idolized. Having read a lot of Arrows books throughout the years, i expected more. I am doing my best to not compare this to past classic runs. What i got out of this book was an arrogant rich boy who runs around town doing "good". I liked it though, the art was beautifully done and i really appreciated what George Perez did, too bad hes not here for every issue. I know that it is just the first issue, but i wasn't blown away in any way. I hope that in the coming issues they can make me fall in love with the character all over again.
Recommendation - Buy., if you are an Arrow fan. If your unsure about getting into him, skip.
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