Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Teen Titans #26 Review

Teen Titans 26 The Origin of Kid Flash...Continued

  People seem to either love this ongoing series or hate it, i am somewhere in the middle. In this issue we FINALLY get some answers about where Bart Allen, or Bar-Tor(as he is called in this issue) is from. I've only been waiting over 2 years for a few answers, thats not too long is it?


  The cover had me intrigued at my comic shop, it depicts Bart holding a deceased or passed out girl in his arms dressed in an outfit similar to his, Bart looks distressed, his team in the background lighting all over the place. Since the first issue i've enjoyed the art in this series, and its only gotten better, much better. The panels flow well from page to page, along with the story. One major thing i love about this book is that although its a teen titans book, the art looks mature, much more mature than the atrocity that is The Flash 26 (Yes i hated the art in that book, with a fiery passion). Bart is shown in the future (the one we all, including himself have been waiting for) with a black suit and mask, honestly i kind of love it, its a good switch from the typical Kid Flash/Impulse suit. My favorite panel would be the one where he is holding his sister in his arms and cursing the air. It's a human side of Bart that is refreshing to see, even with the circumstances. Keep up the good work guys.


  So far I've been enjoying this take on The Teen Titans. Yes, its very different and more far fetched than any other Titan series that i have read, but that's one reason i enjoy it. We  see how Kid Flash gets his speed powers, although they show 2 things that happened and I'm unsure if it was one or the other, or if it was a combination of the both. But i like how it's different from Barry, although it seems that he has no ties to Allen and that kind of disappoints me. I am loving finding out about Bart's dark life in the future, its a good dynamic to his childish, arrogant and self proclaimed ladies man personality in the present times. I like how the team seems to be second guessing their support of Bart after finding out some of the startling truths they have learned from the future "police" that has bart in custody. It turns out Bart was the leader of a rebellion, rebelling against what is called the Functionary. and his sister happened to be fighting with the Functionary. I'm rooting for Bart here, even tho the Titans seem unsure of what to do.


  Buy! Im not ashamed to say im a modern Teen Titans fan and i want to see this series keep going so it can blossom one day. I like where its headed, the art team is perfect and im enjoying the writting. Although if a heavy hitting writter were to take it on i would welcome that with open arms....Cough....GEOFF JOHNS....Cough......

Make sure you buy and support DC comics, i am a fan of physical copies and people like me and you won't be able to read and review for others if they stop making them.



  1. Replies
    1. thanks man! i appreciate the feedback. I hope to deliver better reviews each and every week!
